2.2. Editing and Removing Alarm

      First click on the appropriate calendar date. The alarms will appear on the clock picture as either colored or gray lines (depending if the date has passed or not). There are two ways of alarm editing.
      1) Using the Round Scale Control. Move the mouse over the alarm line that you wish to edit. When the mouse is directly over the line, the line will turn red. Click on the line to open the Alarm Properties Dialog Box. Change the alarm options. Also you can click the right mouse button to open Scale Pop Up menu. It has Edit and Delete points.
      2) Using the List Dialog Box. Press the "List" button. The List Dialog Box opens. Double click left mouse button on the alarm in the list. Alarm Properties Dialog Box will open. Change the alarm options or remove it using the "Remove" button. The other way to remove an alarm is to select it in the list and to press "Remove" button. You can select several alarms and remove them by one operation.

Important Notes:
       You can change the date of the alarm. So, the date before the alarm creating and the date after could be different.

See also:
      Round Scale Control
      Calendar Control
      Alarm Properties Dialog Box
      List Dialog Box